Improving Your Home With Landscape Lighting

Improving Your Home With Landscape Lighting


One of the biggest challenges that home owners face is how to improve their home without breaking the bank. Home improvement is not cheap, and if you want it done right you are going to need to enlist the services of professionals. Each home improvement project is going to have a different set of costs associated with it, and that means that most home owners are going to look at a list of the things they would like to get done in their home and then prioritize the ones that are going to have the most impact for the smallest amount of money. Putting in a new kitchen can cost upwards of 25 thousand dollars, and a new bathroom can cost 10 thousand dollars. Painting your home can cost 10 thousand dollars and other home improvement tasks might cost even more. When compared to the others, landscape lighting installation is relatively inexpensive and provides a great return on investment. When preparing a home for sale, one of the most dramatic ways to improve the value of that property is to install landscape lighting. This will draw attention to the positive aspects of the landscape while taking attention away from the negative, creating a night time beauty and elegance that is almost impossible to achieve any other way. By installing landscape lighting, you can also improve the security of your property by illuminating the areas that have lack security. Additionally, you can make the property safer by illuminating pathways and walking areas, letting people see where they are going better so as to avoid trip and fall accidents. Some insurance policies will actually give discounts if you illuminate the pathways around your home. All of these positive aspects are things to consider when choosing the first home improvement project that you will do.

The way landscape lighting is installed is relatively simple, but you are going to want to enlist a professional if you want good results. This is because you will need a professional designer to understand which elements to illuminate and in what way. When they lay out the lines for the lighting, they must take into consideration how many fixtures will be placed along that line, and what the wattages are of the bulbs that will go in those fixtures. If you overload the line with too many fixtures, the lights toward the end of the line will be dimmer than at the beginning, a situation that cannot be rectified. You must split the lines into a proper number of fixtures in order to draw for the power that is supplied in a way that will allow each light enough electricity to be fully illuminated. After this point, the trenching and burial of the lines takes place, then the application of the fixtures so as to be secured into the earth and not move. A professional landscape lighting job can add thousands of dollars in value to your home.